Is jQuery still relevant for 2022/2023?

Here’s your quick answer to whether jQuery is still relevant for 2022 and into 2023:

Yes, jQuery is still relevant. It’s not just some kind of “hack” that people use to get around modern JavaScript issues – jQuery is an incredibly powerful tool that developers rely on for everything from animating page elements to building complex user interfaces.

That said, jQuery is starting to show its age in some ways. The library was first released all the way back in 2006, and it hasn’t been updated as much as some other popular libraries in recent years. As a result, it doesn’t always work as well with newer technologies like React and Angular.

So if you’re thinking about whether or not to learn jQuery, my advice would be to go ahead and learn it. It’s still a valuable skill to have, and you’ll be able to find work as a jQuery developer for years to come. Just be aware that other libraries are starting to overtake it in terms of popularity and usefulness.



5 things you need to know before learning jQuery

1. jQuery is a JavaScript library, not a programming language.

2. You don’t need to know jQuery to learn other programming languages or libraries.

3. jQuery is still relevant and widely used, and shows no signs of changing in terms degradation in the near-future

4. jQuery can be used for everything from animating page elements to building complex user interfaces.

5. jQuery is starting to show its age in some ways and may not work as well with newer technologies like React and Angular.



What are the best online resources for learning jQuery?

The best online resources for learning jQuery are the official jQuery website, the W3Schools jQuery tutorial, and the jQuery API documentation. These resources will teach you everything you need to know about jQuery, from basic syntax to more advanced concepts.

Here are links to the websites mentioned:

You can also opt for paid courses, but it’s not 100% necessary as the free resources mentioned above are more than enough to get you started.



Should you learn jQuery over other coding languages?

There’s no easy answer to that question. If you’re interested in learning jQuery, then by all means go ahead. It’s still a valuable skill to have. However, if you’re looking to learn a coding language or library that is more modern and will be relevant for years to come, you might want to consider something else. Hope this helps!


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